From $40/Month + GST This membership is ideal if you’re new to squash, just discovering the joys of playing squash socially and want to have more fun with your friends.
This low-cost membership is great value for money so you can test the waters by learning new skills from our coaches without a long-term commitment. You can always choose to upgrade if you decide to be a bit more competitive and dedicated. The best part of this membership is it will introduce you to a lot of new people who might just end up being more than just friendly practice partners. |
From $100/Month + GST You should consider this membership if you’ve been in and around squash for a while and want to maintain your weekly training or playing regimen.
With your 1-2 sessions per week, this mid-range membership will not just save you money, it will inspire you to become a bit more competitive to test your skills and abilities as you get fitter. Squash is a great way to have loads of fun and the inclusions of this membership fit in conveniently around a busy work and family life. |
From $200Month + GST This membership is for you if you’re a serious squash player who plays competitively in internal competitions and regular tournaments.
With an eye on your SportyHQ ranking, you’re not just about sweating it out on the squash court as your form of stress relief and escape from the daily grind of work – you’re seeking the edge to beat your mates and improve your squash. What makes this membership special is the technological edge it will provide with the squash racket sensor and video recordings your coaches will help you to develop your technical skills much faster. |
From $500/Month + GST This top membership is designed for you if you’re an elite/competitive squash player dedicated to personal and professional improvement playing pennant and regularly attend training squads, PTWFS, SHIIT sessions and take Private Lessons.
Or, it might be what you need to take your squash to the next level from Silver or Gold. As a VIP member, you’ll be in very good company with your peers and will have access to a lot more development and coaching tools to help you ascend up the SportyHQ rankings a lot faster than a non-VIP. |
From $1000/Month+GST Please provide appropriate tier membership copy here
From $1700/Month+GST Please provide appropriate tier membership copy here