You can't get on court right now, but you CAN work on your game tactics and strategy with a Video Squash Analysis lesson!These video analysis and live interactive commentary lessons will teach you the art and science of awareness and self-awareness within the context of how YOU play rather than professionals whose skill levels are way beyond your reach.
Champions, professional athletes and high-performance coaches know one of the foundations of Deliberate Practice Principles (DPP) is the athlete’s self-awareness. It is a learned skill that takes time to acquire. The first step is to watch others and develop observational skills (awareness) including a more descriptive vocabulary. Saying “he/she’s playing well or hitting the ball deep” is not enough for significant improvement to occur. This is the perfect lesson for those who are self-isolating at home and want to continue developing their technical and strategic squash skills. These sessions are private and confidential with NO ONE ELSE online, it’s only going to be you and Aaron. You can’t be self-aware of what you’re doing
if you can’t see it in others (awareness) Visual Squash Analysis Lessons are one hour and focus on the following:
Self-awareness is only possible once you get back on court or do exercises in the Squash in the park sessions, but developing awareness is a must-do step that can’t be skipped.
Watching yourself play is the fastest way to develop your awareness and improve your game. Quite often, we think/feel we are doing something completely different to what we are ACTUALLY doing. Yes – it can be a little confronting, but then again that's when breakthroughs happen! All you need to do is have one of your matches on video and get online with Aaron. If you don't have any matches countless videos are available on YouTube and Squash TV. In contrast to just watching videos online, these sessions are designed as INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCES with – Aaron who knows you personally to give YOU advice that helps YOU improve YOUR game. All VSA lessons are led by Aaron who has, since the first lockdowns, been coaching players of all levels located all around the world, to help them get past those pesky opponents they should be beating, but are often taken to 4 or 5 games only to lose by a handful of points: Creativity is a big part of what we now see on court. That flair, your new inspiration could be triggered with a one-on-one private session with Aaron - determining when you should go for the winning shot and when you SHOULDN'T! Each session is 60 minutes with interactive start/stop Q&A. It is NOT pre-recorded. Sessions Days & Times
Several elite (competitive) players have already been doing this over the past few weeks... They don't sit back and let life happen to them, they step up and make things happen - even when they can't get on court! WATCH A SAMPLE VISUAL ANALYSIS BELOWThis short segment highlights how something you do 2-3 shots
before the end of a rally determines if you win or lose the rally. |
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"The 1:1 Video Squash Analysis Sessions are a huge eye-opener for me.
Aaron took me through the different styles of players so I could see for myself how the four components of the game: technical, physical, mental & strategy come together or when and how they fall apart for me. It has been a humbling, but also rewarding journey for me to go from being more-or-less unaware of what I was doing (and not doing) to being able to confirm to Aaron the different styles of players I can now see as the play progresses. By understanding and seeing (for the first time) my opponents’ strengths and weaknesses across the four components, I can start to think about my own capabilities and start to plan for my return on court. What I really liked about these 1:1 sessions is that I get to talk to Aaron in detail, we stop the video, rewind it back slowly so I can get to really understand where and when I am making these critical mistakes.” — Derek Famer
The 1:1 Video Squash Analysis sessions have been both humbling and encouraging at the same time. Humbling because I can (now) clearly see the many mistakes I have been making AND encouraging because Aaron breaks everything down into specific things I can do to fix each one.
Even though I make a lot of mistakes, the breakthrough has been understanding that each player has a preferred playing style that I can adapt to and that will take care of my worst mistakes. Because I want to understand everything, it helps a lot to analyse one game or match at a time on video because we can watch in slow-motion, going back and forth, rewinding how and when the mistake happens so I am crystal clear. Often, it’s 2-3 shots before I lose the point and in the heat of a match, it’s very hard to remember when that happened. I admit I do find it confronting to watch videos of myself playing, but I know I have to face that to better deal with my own strengths and weaknesses so I can improve. I can’t wait to get back on court!” — Sam Goodman
"What I enjoy about the 1:1 private VSA sessions is that besides getting detailed shot-by-shot expert commentary of my matches, Aaron breaks down each game for each player so I can understand the various styles I come up against and what each one hurts me with. I finally figured out that I shouldn’t play them all the same way!
Before I get back on court, I want to keep analysing what I need to do with each style of player because I have to stop losing the close matches I know I should be winning. This self-analysis is not easy and takes practice, but I know it’s going to pay off when I get back on court." — Ned Harrison |